Friday, February 21, 2020

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology - Essay Example Therefore, we owe it all to those great scientists and inventors, for making our lives easier and interesting! One of the greatest events that occurred in the history of the human civilisation, that w rought up numerous changes, was the Industrial Revolution. It occured in the late 18th and the early 19th centuries. It started in Britain and gradually, spread across the Western World. The utilisation of iron and coal to generate power paved way for the mechanisation of the textile and transport industry. This helped immensely to increase production, leading to prosperity and growth. The second Industrial Revolution was a consequence of the first one, which is often considered as merged with th second. It took place in the year 1850 and brought some sweeping changes, in terms of electricity generation and utilistaion of the same in the varied industries. The effects of the Industrial Revolution were for the world to see, since life became easier and less stressful! This led to a great spurt in conducting research and experiements in technology, as well. However, the wonder machine, the computer was not in sight, then. Even though Charles Babbage, the Father of Computers had come up with a computer machine in the year 1822, it took more than a century for the computer to gain momentum. This essay reflects and imagines how things would have been, had the computer existed during the Industrial Revolution, with silicon chips and microprocessors making their way into mans life right before the Industrial Revolution! Things would have been turly different! Textile mills and industries would be working on production the way they do today---designing patterns and motifs on the computer and

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Chapter 6 Duval l& Hays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chapter 6 Duval l& Hays - Essay Example One cannot simply use the literary context of reading the ingredients written on a tuna-can and apply it to understanding Bible. The game of genre determines the meaning. There are many passages and verses that are frequently misinterpreted by ignoring the immediate context. For instance, Jesus has said in the Bible that he is vine (John 15:5). This is probably the prime example of what conferring to immediate context means. If this statement is considered without immediate context it can be misinterpreted that probably Jesus was calling himself a plant, which is not the case. Topical preaching is valid when the passage is not misunderstood regarding the context or when the passage is coherent with the context (Duvall & Hays, 2009). Usually what happens is topical preaching disregards the literary context and that gives the chance to the listener or the reader to misinterpret the message. For this reason the expository preaching is considered a better alternative to topical preaching (Duvall & Hays, 2009). It topical preacher has more chances of getting it wrong by misinterpreting when the correct when they connect their first thought stemming from Johns preaching with some random fourth thought relevant to